Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Workboat For Sale Florida

Interview Mazzarri

Water Mazzarri, coach of Napoli, Napoli gave an interview to Magazine.

What can you say about Dossena?
"The year-end press conference was extraordinary. I do not want to talk about the market. I made an exception before the end of the season. Until you get the official anything can happen. We need the signatures to be able to tip the balance. I think only the championship. We have a challenge with Atalanta to be tackled with maximum effort. "There will be news

against Atalanta?
" Conte is his teams play very well. Even with the Bari has done a great job. It will be a difficult match and insidious. In terms of tactics, the opposition will assess them until the end. Our procedures do not have to change tactics. It depends on how we interpret them. The first race after the Christmas break, has always unknowns ".

There will be Paolo Cannavaro ...
" Yes, there will not be disqualified because Paolo Cannavaro. Contini is not at the top and see if it recovers. Santacroce I never had. If I miss Contini unlikely to change. Depends very much characteristics of the individual. I Aronica, Zuniga and serious that I can use in that role. I'm always looking for continuity in the throughput. I would like to see a quantum leap. "

The Naples, Bergamo, has always struggled ...
" Every year has its own story. I think the facts. It 's a tough field for all. The Atalanta, if your opponent let him, he plays well. We must be mentally and physically to the maximum. Chievo, for example, is a team that plays just as well: that I did not like playing there. "

What physical work has been done? We can consider a mini retreat?
" We made a point of preparation. We hope to have tidied who was not at the top. Only the field can give you the right answer. "

What were the games that are forgotten?
" The matches with Catania and Chievo consider them negative. And I'm not referring to the result. The Atalanta, after a negative period, wants to turn. The little know to pull out of performance out of the media. "

takes two days to Lavezzi and Datolo to be on top?
" They did a special training, reported by Pondrelli. Even arrived underweight. I have 2-3 questions to be resolved. "

There is an element that can change the game?
" I always speak to the group. I believe in the potential team. I want everyone to give 110%. Playing a race after the other one excites me, but it holds true for everyone. There 's also the match with Juventus in Italian Cup. "

He expects a fiery atmosphere in Bergamo?
" There will be evil sport. We're going to play with effort, as happened in Parma, Florence and Turin. In Cagliari, until the first goal conceded, we played well. "

The renewal of the contract to Gargano's returned the smile?
" They know how to separate things. The smile is always there. Sure and 'a signal of the company can charge more. The economic contracts must forget when you walk through the door of Castelvolturno to come for training. "

not you think that 18-20 items are just for the rose?
" I believe that, without playing the European Cups , 18-20 elements represent the correct number for a rose. I think everyone should be on the rope. I do not want to send people demotivated in the gallery. I am convinced that we can go so well. Sure, sure, I can not predict epidemics but I think so we can have a competitive group. "
(Source: Antonio Petrazzuolo for napolimagazine.com)


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