Monday, February 21, 2011

Coughing For A 5 Month

Roberto Vecchioni - Call me still love

And the boat that flew in the sky
that children were still playing
I would have given the whole sea
just to get vedermeli

For the poet who can not sing
's workers who no longer has his job
for those twenty years and stands
to die in the desert like a pigsty
and for all boys and girls
defending a book, a real book so beautiful
shouting in the streets because they are killing

to the bastard who is always in the sun
for the coward who hides his heart for our memory
thrown to the wind
by these lords of pain still love

Call me Call me What
always love this damn night while finishing

will fill us in here because the music and words

still love Call me Call me always love

In this desperate dream
between silence and thunder
defend humanity this
also remained one man still love

Call Call Call
still love always love

ideas are like butterflies that you can not take away the wings because the ideas

are like stars that did not storm off because the ideas are
mother who believed they had lost
and are like the smile of God
spit in this universe still love

Call me Call me What
always love this damn night while finishing

will fill us in here because the music and

words still love
always love Keep writing life
between silence and thunder

defend this humanity that is so true in every man still love

Call me Call me Call me always love still love

Call Call
still love always love

That this should even finish damn night

because we fill it from here
of music and words still love

Call me Call me always love
In this hopeless dream
between silence and thunder
defend humanity this
also remained one man still love

Call Call Call
still love always love
Why we love


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